Northern Illinois Men's Amateur
Golf Association

NIMAGA - Northern Illinois Men's Amateur Golf Association


NIMAGA Anniversary!
1960 - 2025

Quote by Bobby Jones

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Handicap Rules


NIMAGA has selected Chicago District Golf Association for our handicap service.  CDGA is the only Illinois-based Allied Golf Association of the USGA authorized to provide golfers with an official USGA Handicap Index®.  The handicap index of each NIMAGA member is updated nightly with scores submitted through CDGA to the World Handicap System.


A Course Handicap is the number of strokes a player receives on each particular course.
The USGA Course Handicap Calulator™ is here.  Details of the Course Handicap Calulation are here.


In an effort to establish and maintain parity in NIMAGA Tournaments a handicap policy has been established by the Board of Directors.  In addition to their USGA Handicap, members will also carry a NIMAGA Tournament Handicap. This will be based solely on golf scores that are recorded in NIMAGA Tournaments excluding the Two-Man Better Ball and the C&G Match Play rounds. The NIMAGA Tournament Handicap is calculated at 96% and takes the best 3 scores of 6 tournaments played. The lower of the two handicaps (USGA or Tournament) will be used to calculate the Course Handicap when playing in NIMAGA Tournaments.

The NIMAGA Tournament Handicap will be posted on the website shortly after each tournament during the season.


NIMAGA requires its members to report to Chicago District Golf Association all of their adjusted golf scores (excluding those scores made in NIMAGA Tournaments) which are played under conditions which permit the application of the rules of golf. This means that rounds of golf played anywhere at any time must be reported unless the round played under the conditions prohibiting the application of the rules of golf (e.g. snow, frozen turf, etc.). PLEASE NOTE: If you use another handicap service (e.g. GolfNet, US Handicap, My Scorecard) you must also post your scores to that service. CDGA scores ARE NOT automatically posted to any other handicap service.

Record your scores online at CDGA or use the CDGA smartphone app.  Alternatively, use the My CDGA Caddie Account Login.

  1. Enter your Handicap ID and Password then click the LOGIN button.
  2. On the My CDGA Caddie page, click Post Score.
  3. Under Holes, click 18 (or 9).
  4. Under Format of Play, select Non-Competition (or Competition for non-NIMAGA tournaments).
  5. Click on the calendar icon to select the date you played; (default is today's date).
  6. Click the Search button to SELECT A COURSE and SELECT A TEE SET.
  7. Click Hole-By-Hole Score which will automatically adjust for Net Double Bogey.
  8. Click the Continue button, enter your hole scores, then click the Post Score button.
PLEASE NOTE: NIMAGA requires its members to turn in their scores on a timely basis.
Scores should be turned in the day of play in order to appear on the next day's revision.

Important – Any member who does not report all of his properly adjusted golf scores (excluding scores that NIMAGA submits) to the handicapping service on a timely basis may be subject to penalties. The form of the penalty is at the discretion of the Board of Directors and may consist of expulsion from NIMAGA or loss of privileges to compete in NIMAGA Tournaments. Neither NIMAGA nor the CDGA will certify a member's handicap index unless it is based on current scores. Members should periodically review their handicap index posted on the CDGA website to be certain that all their scores have been received and properly recorded.


Now that the World Handicap System updates your Handicap Index nightly, NIMAGA has established revision dates for all tournaments. Click here for the revision dates and other eligibility requirements.


USGA Rule 7.1a/2, allows the Handicap Committee of adjusting a player's Handicap Index for illness/injury after one or more acceptable scores have been submitted after the illness/injury occurred. In determining the level of any adjustment, the Handicap Committee should take into consideration the scores submitted after the illness/injury and the nature and severity of the illness/injury. After a number of scores have been submitted and it becomes evident that the illness/injury has caused a permanent change to the player's ability, it may be appropriate to disregard the player's scoring record and allocate a Handicap Index using only the scores submitted since the illness/injury (see USGA Rule 5.2a For Fewer Than 20 Scores).
